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From basic manners & training, reactivity, to more complex behavioural issues, we are focused on not only helping you train your pet, but teaching you how to effectively communicate with your pup! 

My goal is to help owners build better relationships with their dogs. 
I believe training should be fun & unique to you and your dog in order to keep you both engaged and motivated. Training is an excellent way to bond & build trust between dog and owner. Dogs require structure, consistency, guidance & a confident leader.

Home: Welcome


All breeds, ages and sizes welcome!

At RTWNDT we believe in delivering training in the most realistic scenarios of your day to day life. Distractions of the real world will help advance your dog’s training, engagement & focus. Our goal is to distraction proof your pup as much as possible, while receiving the best available techniques to address you and your pet’s specific needs and challenges. 


We will discuss the end goal you have in mind & how we can achieve that. I will listen to any concerns or any undesired behaviours you are experiencing with your dog & offer ways to solve these concerns. I will go over my training methods, and any courses that may be helpful for the success of you and your dog. 
Consultations are $100 ( 30-60 minutes). 


Welcoming a puppy into your life is an exciting time! It can also be a stressful time… start off on the right foot! Build leadership, and set boundaries. We will go over any concerns you may be experiencing and cover the following topics:



-Proper Socialization

-House training

-Crate training

-Counter surfing


Puppy consultations are $100- 


Have some questions about your dogs behaviour? Has your dog recently developed new (unwanted) habits, and just need some advice? I offer virtual consultations and would be more then happy to offer my advice, suggestions and tools to help get your dog to kick these (unwanted) habits or behaviours. I will discuss my methods of training & make course suggestions that you and your dog may benefit from. $75 *virtual consults are e-transfer only & need to be received prior to appointment** virtual consultations are apx 30-60 minutes. 


With a behavioural issue, whether it may be big or small, is important to address and work on correcting any unwanted behaviour. Unwanted behaviours can be stressful and cause anxiety for you (the owner) and your dog. From leash reactivity (dog/human reactive), fence or barrier reactivity, barking/lunging, anxious or lacking confidence. We will address when, where, and why your dog is displaying (new or old) unwanted behaviours, but most importantly how we can help eliminate/manage them. Sessions will be customized for you and your dog, depending on what they require, & how they progress. I will give you techniques tailored to your dogs specific needs. Homework will be provided & must be practiced daily, to help you and your dog succeed in eliminating/managing these behaviours. 

Behavioural correction lessons are $150 per lesson* 

Behavioural correction packages:

3 lessons: $400

4 lessons:  $500

6 lessons : $650

These lessons will be unique and customized to your dog. 

I’m here to help you and your dog develop a better relationship, understand & recognize the behaviour/trigger, communicate, become a strong, confident leader & provide you the tools to help curb these unwanted behaviours. 



Obedience training is fundamental for anyone looking to have a well behaved dog. We all have to start somewhere! This training is essential for any dog, any breed, at any age.  With our basic obedience program you will be able to learn all the basics your dog needs to succeed! You will learn proper techniques and skills that you will be able to use, to ensure that your dog will behave both in and out of the home.

An advantage of private lessons, (because training isn’t “one size fits all”) We are able to give our full focus, attention and time on helping your dog succeed. If necessary, we will customize the lessons/techniques to reflect your dogs specific needs to allow them to be successful. 

With basic obedience, you'll learn how to teach your dog:

- To heel by your side (loose leash walking)

- Leash manners 

- To sit at heel position 

- To down at heel position

- To stand at heel position

- Focused heeling 

- Sit/Stay

- Down/Stay

- To sit for pets 

- Recall command from a sit position (6 foot leash) 

- Recall command from the down position (6 foot leash) 

- Release command 

- Inside turns 

- Outside turns 

-*Neutrality skills*

-*Engagement exercises*

-*Confidence boosting drills*

-*Handler skills*

You will teach your dog to focus on YOU! 

Any undesired (puppy/adult) behaviours you are facing will also be addressed during the 6 weeks. 

This is a 6 lesson course. Each lesson is 1 hour. You will be given homework after each lesson that you must follow! 

Our 6th lesson, will be your test & you will receive a certificate upon successfully completing the training course! 



Have you completed a form of dog obedience in the past? If your dog has the foundations of basic obedience but you find you and your dog are slipping, letting bad habits form & need a refresher, then this course is for you. Get back into a structured routine with your pet! 
Adult obedience refresher course-This course is 3 (45 minute) sessions $275


This where training gets a little more fun and exciting! This training is what will make your “good dog” and “great dog!” Join us in our training sessions to strengthen your skills and confidence. Intermediate training helps you and your dog further the training skills you learned in your beginner sessions. This training is essential, especially if you plan on doing off leash training with your pooch. With intermediate, you and your dog will use the skills you have learned in basic training with us & put them to the test. You and your dog will be faced with more distraction, distance, and temptations. Things you will learn during intermediate training:

 - Increasing distraction for sit-stay,down-stay & stand-stay commands 

- Other dogs in group as distractions

- Drills with food distractions 

- Increasing distraction & distance for recalls

- Out of sight recalls

- Out of sight (sits,downs) 

- Dog past dog recalls

- Recall over food 

- Different turns 

- “Place” command

- “Drop” command

- “Finish” command

-  “Spin” command 

-  “Through” command

- “Touch” command 

- Hand signal only commands 

- Weave heeling 

- Sit - stay - 5 minutes 

- Down -stay - 5 minutes 

- Stand - stay - 3 minutes 

- False returns

- In motions 

- Commands on recall

- Neutrality skills

- Handler skills

- Manners 

- Distraction proofing 


Each lesson is 1 hour. 

1-2 lessons per week. 


 *for this course - you will need a long line for your dog! 

**Intermediate classes will run from March-December 2024, allowing clients to join throughout the year. These will be small group classes. Max 10 (new) dogs per class. Returning intermediate students are encouraged to join & will receive a discounted rate! 



Recall is the best, most important command you can teach your dog. With off-leash recall training, it is recommended your dog has successfully completed our basic obedience course. 

In this course your dog will be faced with many distractions & your dog is expected to come when called, on first command. Recalling your dog is the most important command your dog will learn. A proper recall can save your dogs life. 

With this course a training collar is needed. More details will follow re: training collar.
This is a 5 lesson course. (30 minute lessons) Our 5th lesson, will be your test & you will receive a certificate upon successfully completing the training course! 

- $500

Home: Services


Passionate. Patient. Persistent. 

Raise The Woof! Niagara Dog Training was founded on the belief that not all pets are born equal. They each have their own unique traits and mannerisms, and therefore require their own unique and specialized training. This method of training is full of fun techniques that will give you and your pet a happier life together.I believe training should be kept fun & engaging for both you and your pup! 

Home: About


At Raise The Woof! Niagara Dog Training., we strongly believe that it’s never too late to change our pet’s behavior. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM @raisethewoofniagaradogtraining

St. Catharines, ON, Canada


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